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Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer

Degnan Law Group maintains this web site for informational purposed about the services we provide and about various legal topics.  The information contained in the web site does not constitute legal advice and is purely for information purposes.

Any communications through this web site with Degnan Law Group is not confidential and is not covered as part of an attorney-client relationship. Such attorney-client relationship does not exist until such time you and Degnan Law Group agree to enter into an attorney-client relationship by signing an engagement letter and paying any fee deposit contemplated in that engagement letter.    Do not transmit any information, especially that of confidential nature, until such time as you have engaged the firm.

Degnan Law Group respects your privacy. Unless you submit information to Degnan Law Group through our site, we do not collect information regarding visitors that use our web site. 

Degnan Law Group reserves all right associated with this web site, including all content.